Saturday, January 30, 2016

Why do People Accept Lies?

We all have been lied to whether we know it or not. When some people get lied to and they know that they are being lied to they just accept it and move on. But why do people just accept a lie? In my opinion I think there are many different reasons that a person would accept a lie. One reason could be that the lie is not a big enough lie to get worked up about. Some people know when to pick their battles and know that some things aren’t worth fighting over. Another reason could be because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. An example of this is when parents lie to their children about the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, etc. and the child knows that it is all a lie. The child continues to go along with the lies because his/her’s parents think that the child still believes and the child doesn’t want to ruin the holiday spirit for his/her’s parents. Another example of why people accept lies is because they are afraid of ruining the relationship they have with the person lying. Some people also accept lies because they want to see if the truth will eventually come out. People accept lies because some live by the motto “forgive and forget”. Being lied to will happen no matter what and some people just move on from it.

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